Where can you order pneumatics?
I have put all of the quote request forms for many sites including bimba however i have not gotten a reply?
We need to get a pneumatic cylinder fast (overnight or 2day air)
No one is repling
we went to a distributor, but the cylinder (2 bore 24 stroke) is not common and they didnt have it and said it would take weeks to get in.
What is the quickest way to get a cylinder?
have you tried contacting bimba or is that who you meant by supplier.
Find your local Bimba distrubutor by the search tool on www.bimba.com
i did all of those things and no one has it in stock or can get it fast enough
I’ve gotten fast results for stuff this way. Remove all of your current signature and put a note in red bold letters of what you need. Also, post in the CD Swap system. Hopefully another team will be able to help you out.