Where do the VCU Teams Stand?

This thread is not meant to offend anyone. It’s just a straw poll of the teams that will be facing off at the VCU Regional.

We down to 22 days. Where is everyone at in build, on a 1-10 scale?

1- We should have started by now?

3- We’re building and figuring out plans

5- Good but could use another two days added to ship date

7- Building of robot nearly completed and waiting to test

9- Testing Autonomous Mode and that’s it

10- Robot’s waiting to be crated

616 is anywhere between 5 and 7, depending on who you ask.

Hope everyone is having fun and no problems come our way.

A 7.

prolly a 5-6… would love 2 more days after we were stuck out of school for 4days with 1in. of snow


Definately 5-maybe 7… It’s looking a little grim, but can’t wait till March 3… I getting my team siked up!


7 ish
dont know how much autonomous we’ll have, maybe just dead reckoning

Good to know everyone is in a good group. I hope everyone will be able to finish their robot before shipping deadline Good luck everyone.


769 will be building into the wee hours of morning ship day i predict.

617 is planning some LOOOOONG nights for this week. We’re about at a 4 :mad:

We were set back by a good week and a half because of an issue with the shop we were trying to use, so if that hadn’t fallen through, we’d probably be done by now. (robot wise)
Even with that delay, I expect we will be at a 7 by the end of the day this Saturday.
We will probably be meeting just about every day for the next 12-ish days…
I think programming will be our biggest step toward completion this year. The hardware end of autonomous I expect to be done soon (what’s left), but the software has a ways to go… :yikes:

i would put team 612 at around a 7, 90% of programming is done except for autonomous mode (can’t get the camera to work right!!! :)) the robot itself is in the final stages of being built, all we have left really, is a little bit of building, a little autonomous programming, and then testing, good luck to all


We are now a 10. :slight_smile:

Have fun guys. Pictures up soon.