I’m curious to know where teams are currently planning on shooting from. Select all that apply!
- Fender (Lower Hub)
- Tarmac (Lower Hub)
- Fender (Upper Hub)
- Tarmac (Upper Hub)
- Launch Pad (Upper Hub)
- Terminal (Upper Hub)
- Hanger (Upper Hub)
0 voters
I’m curious to know where teams are currently planning on shooting from. Select all that apply!
0 voters
At some point this season, I want to see a buzzer-beater from the traversal–Nothin but net.
Got the same thing when I tried looking at the results before I voted. Once I added my votes, I see the proper results.
Anywhere should be an option.
Where’s the human player option?
The 53 of you who are doing launchpad shots concern me.
Our testing showed that we could hit an upper goal shot from the distance of the launchpad with reasonable accuracy. So we’re leaving it as a possibility, depending on the final accuracy of our shooter, where returned cargo end up coming to rest, and how impactful the bounce-out ends up being once we start testing on the real goal. So it’s a strategy, but that doesn’t mean it’s our main strategy.
Maybe the question should be where do you plan to shoot from WITH defense (not including safe zone areas).
I feel like our answer has changed now, I wonder how many other teams would change this answer at this point in the build season.
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