Where is the Bill of Materials?

I thought i was going to be getting the BOM today what is up?

the bom is up at the new first sight. look under updates.



Oh my, aren’t we getting fashionable…
paint: Ralph Lauren Spinnaker blue semi-gloss oohhh

heh, judging from the message under the link to dl the BOM, things will change. The ‘bom’ is really specific, yet I can’t put all the things together in my head to form anything from my prediction… :wink:

*Originally posted by gniticxe *
Oh my, aren’t we getting fashionable…
paint: Ralph Lauren Spinnaker blue semi-gloss oohhh

Ralph Lauren Spinnaker blue semi-gloss??? i didnt even realize that Ralph Lauren made semi-gloss…at least i have never seen it in Kokomo…