Hi all,
My team is entering their 2nd year and starting to experiment with pneumatics. I noticed most teams are using bimba cylinders but it seems andymark and vex don’t sell them. Can you tell share with me your favorite companies for pneumatic supplies?
Bimba makes a rather generous “three cylinder” PDV each season…most of our supply, we’ve gotten from that - but you can buy directly from Bimba:
I think we normally purchase them from McMaster Carr.
Ditto McMaster Carr. Quick service…
We get our supplies from Automation Direct. They usually have a pdv as well.
See if you can find a local automation supplier/recycler. We have a place about 45 minutes away from us where we source our stuff. A lot of it is used but there are some new cylinders there too. We just have to pick through everything to find what we need. On the upside the cost is at least half of buying elsewhere.
Ditto on the finding a local dealer thing. I can’t remember the name of the company, but 2220 had a great contact at a local place that gave us fantastic discounts on pneumatics supplies and 80/20 stuff. Building up a relationship with a local supplier is a lot easier too.
AutomationDirect has good low cost solenoids ($21 vs. ~$80 for Andymark). They are larger & heavier with higher airflow.
You wouldn’t happen to have the part number handy for these cheaper solenoids would you?
They are significantly larger and heavier. They also require an extra relief valve, as they aren’t rated for 125 PSI. We used them for our pneumatic shooter, but probably wouldn’t use them any other year.