Where to buy gears for belts

Does anyone know where to buy gears for the 5MR500 belts? The gears we are looking for are similar to the one in the attached photo.

First off, what you want is a pulley, secondly your best bet is either SDP/SI or B&B Manufacturing. You should be able to plug that belt style in and select you pulley style and size. To help with your search I looked that belt up, I’m guessing you read 5MR500 off of the belt directly. From a google search it looks like that is a Gates Powergrip GT2 Style belt. (It’s not shaped like a V right?) Searching for pulleys that work with 5mm GT2 should probably get you what you want.


I believe those are from gates.


thanks guys…B&B does have them–just need to shell out the FedEx charges to get it here quickly. thank you.

If you’re ordering from B&B, call to place the order and you will be able to receive their discount for FIRST teams.