Where to find FRC Eclipse 2019 plugins

Can anyone help me find the WPILib plugins for Eclipse? I have looked on the FIRST website and I feel they do a horrible job of explaining where to find it. I updated our roborio to the 2019 image, but the code cannot compile because the WPILib code is the 2018 version, which i the error Eclipse throws.

Eclipse is not supported this year. Only VS Code.


Ok thank you for that information. Is VSCode as user friendly as Eclipse. In a sense, will I be able to just download and immediately code and deploy?

You can convert your existing Eclipse projects through the WPILib plugin for VSCode and deploy as usual.
For new projects, you’ll have to set up Maven dependencies for external libraries you’re going to use in your code, more info about that here.
Also, make sure you read all the VSCode related tutorials for WPILib.

You can find the full installation documentation here: http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/java


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Eclipse is not officially supported. It is possible to use it, but the recommended way is to use VSCode.

No, it’s not user friendly.

If there are specific issues you are running into or have suggested improvements, we welcome the feedback in order to improve the experience for all teams.

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To me, VS code is actually pretty user friendly once you get the hang of it.
That said there are a couple of things that I would change. Namely, the ability to refactor class names and find the current project path on your computer

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I have been able to refactor class names by pressing F2 (same as windows rename) with the cursor in the class name.
Renames files and references.

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I like that VScode has a user friendly way of dealing with merge errors in Github before you merge or update a branch.