Which controllers can be used in the competition?

I would like to know which controllers can be used in the competition. Can I just buy any controller and make sure it follows a few standarts (if so, what are they?) and if not, is there a list of controllers allowed?

Thank you,

Please be a little more specific. What do you mean by “controller”?

The cRIO “controller” is the only legal source for commanding actuators.

The Driver Station can use any USB HID joystick or gamepad as a “controller”.

Jaguars and Victors are the only legal speed “controllers” identified at present.

Does any of that answer your question?

What are you referring to?

If you are referring to the robot controller, then no, you must use an FRC cRIO as your robot’s controller.

If you’re talking about the joysticks, then yes, you can buy any joystick that appears as an HID (Human Interface Device).

I hope this helps.

What controllers are you referring to?

I’m assuming you’re talking about controllers for the Operator Interface, in which case you can use anything that operates over standard USB protocol and is recognized as a game controller, I believe.

Mose teams use Logitech Attack 3 because they’re the KOP Joysticks, the Logitech Extreme 3D pro works well if you need a Z-axis (twist) or one of the Logitech Gamepads. There are a bunch of other Joysticks and Gamepads out there too.

Thank you, and sorry for not being clear, I was talking about a USB joystick.
just to be sure, is there any rule against wireless joysticks?

<R79> Other than the system provided by the ARENA, no other form of wireless communications shall be used to communicate to, from or within the OPERATOR CONSOLE.