Which controllers can I use for my cRio FRC 2 and how can I hook them up?

So I just got this cRio FRC 2 for free from a friend. I just need to know what controllers I can use for them and how I can hook them up. I was prepared for a RoboRio but this one was just lying around never used before so I am going to use this one and save myself some money. Any information would be helpful considering I am rather new to the majority of this. Thanks in advance everybody.

We like to use Xbox controllers but a lot of teams use Logitech F310’s as well. Many traditional joysticks are supported as well (we’ve used the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro). You’re able to interface with lots of different kinds of controllers if you use FIRST’s provided software environment for the CRIO.

Sorry, I didn’t mean controllers like xbox controllers. I meant like talons or victors or something of that sort. Thanks.

Do you have all the necessary hardware that supports the cRIO?

There are modules that plug into each of the 4 slots on the cRIO. The modules used for FRC are one digital I/O module, one analog I/O module, and one pneumatics module. ’

The Digital I/O module has a connector on it that would then connect to the Digital Sidecar (http://www.andymark.com/product-p/am-0866.htm). This would have the familiar breakout pins to connect any standard PWM motor controller. (Victor, Talon, Talon SR, Victor SP, Spark).

Note that FRC-specific components are significantly more expensive than hobby counterparts. If you’re looking to use these for a personal project, there are many more cost effective solutions. For example, AM sells this kit: http://www.andymark.com/product-p/am-2972.htm

As mentioned above you will need quite a bit more to run the older cRio.

If you are looking to run an alternate solution I would suggest the Vex Cortex which will work quite easily with the existing motor controllers. It will be wireless without having to add all the additional electronics that the cRio system will need. Plus it has a much smaller footprint.

You will need to use a PDP board and such for the power end…

To answer your question…
You can use just about any PWM controlled motor controller available.
Such as the Victors, Talons, Jaguars… It will need to be run through the sidecar which will need the cRio to have the NI 9403 digital I/O module installed.

Here is the wiring set up from 2014 for your reference.

Note the difference between the cRio in the above set up link and the FRC 2 version you have is the amount of slots, 8 versus 4.

If you want additional information on switching to the Vex system let me know. We used to run it on our practice / previous years robots.

Good luck with this project,


If you have all the accompanying hardware (sidecar, sensor modules, etc) then you can hook up anything that is controlled by PWM. You also can use Jaguars in CAN. I haven’t tried Talon SRX over CAN, but I know PWM Talons work.