Given the change to Apriltags and away from reflective tape, which Limelight is the best? Given that they all seem to be around $400, I want to make sure to get the correct one.
If you’re planning to do object detection with AI, the 3 has support for Google Coral. If you’re not, the 3G is lighter, smaller, and doesn’t blind you with beams of green light.
But blinding the opposing drivers is a feature, not a bug
You can safely tape over the green leds to avoid the startup flicker as they don’t help you find things that isn’t retroreflective tape.
yeah, during most testing we taped over the LEDs, but back in 2022 when it actually mattered, we had to just deal with the blindness
Read the specs carefully! They have some profound differences. The 3G is monochrome and no capacity to add another plugin USB camera. My team didn’t have a problem with this but yours might.
And I don’t see any models for sale at the moment.
Yeah I noticed this. We just purchased a Corral, so I imagine we would want to go with the 3 in that instance.
I’m hoping they will be on sale soon. If not, we will stick with our OrangePi and go from there.