Which Q&A questions have you found most interesting?

I’ve been browsing through Q&A through the last six weeks have read quite a few interesting questions (for example, the Thunder Chickens wondered if extending an object outside the field - as long as it didn’t touch anything - was legal). Some have made me scratch my head (the 12V DC vacuum cleaner) and others effect the way Ultimate Ascent will be played.

Which questions (and answers of course) do you think are going to impact the game the most?

For me, I would have to say it’s the definition of purposeful and consequential contact.

Q. 138: G30 has different penalties if the act is consequential or purposeful. Please define ‘Consequential’ and ‘purposeful’ with respect to violations of G30 in the LOADING ZONE.
A. Consequential means the action has an effect on the outcome of the MATCH. Purposeful means the action was deemed intentional.