Which way is left/right on the robot?

Which way is Left and Right on the robot?

Had a little debate and am wondering what you all think

It based on the person looking at the front of the robot or is it robot-centric where the viewpoint is sitting in the middle of the robot looking towards the front?

  • 3rd person, Looking at the front of the robot
  • 1st person, Inside the robot looking outwards
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The correct answer


I think your robot might be overweight…


1st person, Inside the robot looking outwards

We use the terms Driver Side and Passenger side instead of left and right

Use this 1 easy trick to confuse teams outside of North America.


Depends on if the robot is programmed for robot oriented or field oriented drive!

Billions of people live in countries that drive on the left side of the road, but it still isn’t as common as one might think!

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Last year, the front of the robot was the side that I was talking about at the time.


Dude if somene got a corvette to be legal that would be crazy.

Wrong question. Using swerve, there is no front, back, left or right. Using field oriented control, left and right are directions on the field and it doesn’t matter what direction the robot is facing.

You wouldn’t be the only one to change which physical side of the robot is the “far side” depending on its orientation.

This is not unlike what you have to do with Pose2d and Transform2d in software where they don’t make sense without establishing what your anchor is.

If you wish to be linguistically unambiguous, take a hint from theater and start calling it “the robot’s left” or “the robot’s right”:

Or, take a page from firefighting, which will label the sides of the building Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/Delta as you walk around the building with it on your right side, with “Alpha” usually starting on whatever side faces the street:


Or, use a label maker and just label which side is which.

The front of the robot is where the googly eyes are, and left and right are relative to that.