While simulating auonomous on code , the gyro wont update while on autonomous and the robot just stays at angle 0 , how can i solve that?

Can you share more of your code? Preferably as a link to github or similar

You need to update the gyro’s sim object with the robot’s updated angle in simulation.

For swerve, you can do something like this to get the angle from your module’s updated position: Any Gyro Sims Recommendations? - #2 by jonahb55

For tank drives, WPILib’s DifferentialDrivetrainSim should provide you an angle, see this as an example: https://github.com/4201VitruvianBots/RapidReact2022/blob/4333e589481cd617bc2f46a806c48e33faae32a8/src/main/java/frc/robot/subsystems/DriveTrain.java#L685C45-L685C66

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