White House Science Fair - 2012

Office of the Press Secretary

February 3, 2012
NEW DETAILS: President Obama to Host White House Science Fair
Event Will Highlight Winners of National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Competitions
WASHINGTON, DC – On Tuesday, February 7th, President Obama will host the second White House Science Fair celebrating the student winners of a broad range of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) competitions from across the country. The President will also announce key steps that the Administration and its partners are taking to help more students excel in math and science, and earn degrees in these subjects.

At the fair, the President will view exhibits of student work, ranging from breakthrough research to new inventions, followed by remarks to an audience of students, science educators and business leaders on the importance of STEM education to the country’s economic future.

The President hosted the first-ever White House Science Fair in late 2010, fulfilling a commitment he made at the launch of his Educate to Innovate campaign to inspire students to excel in math and science. As the President noted then, “If you win the NCAA championship, you come to the White House. Well, if you’re a young person and you produce the best experiment or design, the best hardware or software, you ought to be recognized for that achievement, too.” In addition, over the past year, the President met with the three young women who won the Google Science Fair, met a student robotics team on his bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia, and made a surprise appearance at the New York City Science Fair.

MEDIA RSVPFOR OPEN PRESS REMARKS: The President will deliver open press remarks on Tuesday, February 7th. Members of the media who wish to cover these remarks must email [email protected] before 12 PM ET Monday, February 6. NOTE: Members of the media who do not have a White House hard pass must also submit their full name, date of birth, Social Security number, gender, country of birth, country of citizenship and current city and state of residence. If we are able to accommodate your request for credentials, we will send a confirmation with further instructions and logistical details.

The Kell High School Robotics Team will be exhibiting at the White House Science Fair February 7th. The exhibition will be about a “beyond FIRST” invention called ORCA, Oil Recovery and CApture, a robotic oil skimmer for coastal estuaries.

This project was funded by a Lemelson-MIT Inventeam grant. The team is also a 2nd year continuation team with funding to continue development.

Other STEM groups will be at the science fair including teams from FIRST. Stay tuned here for more details.

Eric Bakan the 17 year old head programmer for the Cheesy Poofs was also invited to the White House .

Congrats Eric.

WildStang was also invited to bring one student.

This is so exciting for all these programs!

973 is bringing a student and a robot to round out the championship alliance :wink:

press release


Congrats to all of the student/mentors attending!

Its too bad the CMP CA team didnt get an invite though.:confused:
From what I hear, its all expense paid via FIRST.

Huh, that is quite strange.

Cost wouldn’t be an excuse considering 2 Californians are going. (Or is a flight out of HI much more expensive?)

Oh well, sorry to hear that Glenn.

Doesn’t the CMP CA team go on their own each summer? Or am I mistaken?

I love that we’re going, but I’d be upset if you aren’t/haven’t :ahh:

We’re merely a good team, and I teach my kids well; we help others when we can, but what we do is NOTHING compare to what 359 has done for others (and 359 is also competitive, with a beautiful robot).

The White House invites are inconsistent. This is our 3rd time winning and the first time we got an invite. When we won CA in 2006 we didn’t get invited, then the entire 365 team got to go when they won the next year. Not that I’m envious or anything :wink:

missledojer217, you should learn to separate your feelings for the President (the person) from the Office of the President. Regardless of political party, positions on issues, etc, everyone should be honored to get an invite to the White House.

the only thing I see are “inconsistent” is the message from FIRST about “changing the culture.”
This has nothing to do with the White House and everything about FIRST initiating the effort on the attendees.

and my comments have nothing to do with the other attendees. I am truly glad about any team having the opportunity to showcase FIRST at the highest level

If you are bringing a full size robot to the WH, I suggest you get your entry instructions directly from the WH staff and the guards on duty.
You will have a limited time window for entry and you need to make it through all of the security checks before your time window runs out. I am only telling you this, because I almost did not make it in time, because of the number inspections that our team trailer had to undergo prior to entry. Just barely made it. Whew!
Have fun!!

PLEASE tell me you’re bringing Emperor Swerve! I love that robot! If not, which one are your bringing?

I’m not the mentor going, but I do know that it was handled properly, starting early last week. I’ve got confirmation from our people there the robot is already in, set up, and good to go.

Supernerd, they requested TITAN, so that was what was brought.

Related topic:

I saw this picture and have to say that these kids build much nicer marshmallow launchers than students build in RPI’s sophomore level design class. It’s nice to know we’ve got some quality engineers in the pipeline.

(Presidents do seem to make the silliest faces around technology, don’t they?)

Man, I like this picture more than any FRC pic I’ve ever seen. Great work by all the mentors and students in attendance and to all who presented to the President. It is truly inspirational to see what these kids can do.

A MOE student was singled out for a robot that he had built at school. We are all very proud of him!

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CBS) — A 14-year-old Chester County, Pa. boy was recognized by President Obama today at the White House science fair.

President Obama says he’s very impressed with the high-tech work from young people like Benjamin Hylak of West Grove, Pa.

“Benjamin Hylak, where’s Benjamin? There’s Benjamin right here. He was worried that folks at his grandmother’s senior center were getting lonely, so he built a robot with a monitor and a video camera, so it’s like a moving Skype, and it moves around the center and it allows seniors to talk to their kids and grandkids even when they can’t visit in person.”

Hylak, a freshman at Salesianum High School in Wilmington, has already been awarded $10,000 for his invention, called a “telepresence robot.”

At White House Science Fair, Pres. Obama Praises Chester County Teen - CBS Philadelphia