With the new XRP Robots if I have one out of a set that seems to have a hardware issue who is the right party to contact? It’s well been a few months since I bought them from Sparkfun and I doubt they are the right party at this point.
For clarity I have a XRP that after downloading and successfully installing the WPILIB firmware will broadcast wifi for a minute or two and then will just stop broadcasting completely for seemingly no reason.
There is a support forum for XRP here.
I was using them a lot for demos/training the last week, and we saw a similar, but different issue. Our robot would drive some, then drop out on occasion. You can tell this as the servo arm will shoot to default position, then return.
Moving the controlling laptop closer, or changing the batteries seemed to help. We never had a full dropout like you were seeing.
I see this behavior as well on at least one of our other XRP robots. I chalked it up to too much noise on that wireless channel, but yea we have at least one that fully stops broadcasting its SSID seemly for no reason.