Who has the most unique way of hurdling and/or herding?

Since many of us have not seen all footages of all teams this season, who do you think has the most “unique” way of hurdling or herding?

So far…after watching some videos…ThunderChickens :cool:

I think the most unique is Team 25’s hybrid laucher/arm.

I also like Fondy Fire’s expandable chassis, although that isn’t exactly their hurdling mechanism.

I would agree, from having seen them in person. Their gripper design seems quite efficient at hurdling, and their win at st louis proves that =D

I have seen a lot of unique ways to hurdle. The problem is I don’t remember most because they weren’t particularly successful. I watched 217 in St. Louis. They were unique, but also very successful.

With all the talk of arm bots vs. thrower bots, I’m still not sure which one 217 is. It was in a league all by itself. Not only could it hurdle well without stopping, it picked up well.

I’d to say it was unique because I never, ever would have thunk it up. Great job.

Not necessarily the most unique, but the best is 1114.

I agree. The most unique yet, imo, is 217 from the video footage. I don’t know where to begin on how they pick up the ball, the video doesn’t show it well enough.

Can you link me to said video? I’m really curious…


The Blue Alliance is your friend…


Here is their blue alliance page.

Best hurdler I saw (I’ve only seen BAE bots in action) was 1058. Their unique PVC gripper arm with launcher worked outstanding.

Our grabbing device can be “split up” into two parts. We have one arm on each side and a “tongue” in the middle. They are attached by some latex tubing at the ends. As we go over the ball the pvc tongue bends a bit and the latex stretches, at this point we close the arms through use of a pneumatic cylinder, giving us an extremely tight grip. This method of grabbing also means that we can catch bouncing balls as we just slam them into the ground, so we don’t have to wait for our last hurdled ball to stop moving. As we approach the hurdle we lift our shuttle, then bring our arms forward and open at the same time, WALLAH! 8 points… hope that cleared it up, the best video of us i can find is here

25’s hurdling mechanism is very, very good but the only thing that I don’t like is their ball acquisition method which, actually isn’t to bad most of the time.

Also 330 looks like they’re gonna have a very easy time acquiring the trackball. Also there arm is very simple and efficient, I don’t know if it’s unique because they use a lot of proven designs but still, they’re good, darn good.

Now if you wanna talk about amazing, the ThunderChickens are the best I’ve seen to far. Their pick up is almost instant and they would compliment any shooter very well. I think they will go very far this year and they may even repeat '06. From a Driver’s/Operator’s point of view, I would never want to go against the ThunderChickens this year. The obvious ways of playing defense are out and if they’re paired with a decent partner it’s over.

End extreme fanboy

After watching some videos from St. Louis both 525 and 45 had unique methods. While they may not have been the best, they got the job done in a unique way. 525’s reverse lift seems very simple, allowing them to not have to backup and bring thier arm back to hurdle. 45 also has a way that solve that problem that many arms have of having to back up and retract thier arm. Thier ‘swinging arm’ is works similary to 217’s as it swings back, allowing the robot to drive under the overpass quickly after hurlding. I think that with a little more practice, they can certainly be a big threat in thier upcomming regionals and in Atlanta.

I do agree that 217 is also unique, but they have already been mentioned plenty of times already.

971 is hands down the most unique

Any videos? None on TBA.


sorry, it’s just way cool.

They have some youtube ones linked to from their pictures in CD media I believe.

the gripper is cool, but are there any of it actually hurdling?

The Thread is: Who has the most unique way of hurdling and/or herding?
I didn’t know we had to hurdle to play this game :wink: