Who is moe?
“moe will be there”
Who is moe?
“moe will be there”
MOE is an awesome robot.
I am guessing u are a rookie but with 42 posts on Delphi u should have heard by now. :ahh: I guess Delaware and California are pretty far away. M.O.E. stands for the Miracle Of Engineering the name (or part of it) of the robot we produce every year. This year it is the wall-crashin crazy-stackin GeroniMOE. It is also what everyone calls my team, Team 365 “The Miracle Workerz”.
If you attend a competition with MOE (like nats this year since u are a driver), u WILL know MOE. We are the people with the neon green shirts, hair and robots. We have giant mascots. We are excessively loud:D with our MOE cheer and MOE sticks. We won the National Team Spirit Award last year. We dont always win (like last year) but we always make a scene. We are always competitive and our bots are relatively unique. So now u know MOE. Feel free to stop by the MOE pits to find out more, or if u need a help, or need to do some drill pressing. We will get u some buttons and maybe even trade u a MOE shirt, MOE bandanna or some MOE sticks.
EDIT: Thanks for the compliment ryanspensley
Don’t think I could’ve put it any better Lucas, GO MOE!!!
Hey and stop by the pits and get a pin, I’ll be the one wearing a MOEgreen jersey…oh wait, so does everyone else.
clap…clap…clap.clap.clap…clap.clap.clap.clap GO MOE
Previous to the Miracle workers or M.O.E. there is a very classy, hilarious, and energenic teacher on Team 88 that is the drive coach. He posts often here on Delphi and is known widely around FIRST. Maybe that is who or what your talking about?