I created this thread because i feel like there are so many wonderful teams out there that i know nothing about!
So, in an effort to get to know more FRC teams, i think it’s a good idea if everyone posts a little about their team!
Post as little/as much as you want, anything would be great. A team picture would be great!
I am a part of team 1559, Devil Tech. We come out of Victor NY, and compete every year in the Finger Lakes Regional, and an additional “travel” regional. We typically stand at around 45 students, 20 mentors (this year being no exception).
We are the students of J.R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School!
We are a new rookie team that was formed during the fall of 2011! Of course, we are hoping to make it far into the FIRST Robotics Competition, and build a robot along the way that can help us in this goal. More importantly, we’re a group of students who are looking to strengthen our relationships with club members, and work together to build a robot, raise funds, and have fun!
The members of FIRST Robotics Team 1583 are different than members of other teams. Coming from all over the state of Colorado, they made poor choices, engaged in delinquent behavior, broke the law and were arrested. Seeing the potential in these youth to change their behavior, the courts in Colorado committed these youth to Ridge View Academy. A Colorado Department of Youth Corrections program operated by Rite of Passage, Ridge View Academy is a highly structured and closely supervised residency program located in Watkins, Colorado.
When these young men became students at Ridge View they were challenged to do many things they would have not thought possible before. One of these things is FIRST robotics.
Ridge View began its association with FIRST robotics in 2004 when Roger Allott, a prosecutor who believed in justice and helping troubled youth, saw in FIRST a program that could help his cause. He saw that FIRST programs build not only science and technology skills and interest but also foster well rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication and leadership.
Since its rookie year in 2005, members of team 1583 have lived up to Roger’s expectations and then some. Engineering mentor Chuck Brant won the regional Woodie Flowers award in 2006. The team was a member of the Colorado regional winning alliance in 2007. In 2010 the team won the regional Chairman’s award and the Judges award at the FIRST Championship in Atlanta.
We’re Stuypulse. We’re a NYC team, and a frequent contender at both the NYC and Hartford regionals (We’ve been to Champs 8 times in 11 years). We’re one of the largest clubs at our school and one of the largest teams in New York City, with a diverse student body and the blessing of many skilled mentors, including one regional Woodie Flowers Award winner. We spread the love with a lot of mentoring and demoing, and showing off a little Stuypulse magic every once in a while.
We are team 256 of Willow Glen High School is San Jose, California. We started in 1999, and usually compete in the Silicon Valley regional, as well as the Central Valley regional as of this year. We generally have anywhere from 25 to 35 people on the team, with about 7 to 8 mentors.
We’re The Spikes, from Lod, Israel.
We compete in the Israeli regional since 2007, and won many prizes, at least one every year (in 2011 we recieved two-the Website Award and the Gracious Professionalism Award), and we allways reach the quarter finals (except 2010). We’re a small team, in the ballpark of 20 students. We have brilliant students, and many times come up with great designs, but we usually have a hard time building them, because of lack of materials and money. We have great new sponsors this year, so we’ll se you in St. Louis!
But please do not, I repeat, DO NOT say Stooie-pulse. That is dead wrong and everyone says it that way. Our name comes from the name of Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch leader of New Amsterdam before it was New York, so it is pronounced in Dutch and not English. Thank you.
We are 2587 the Discobots! We live in Houston, Texas and this will be our 5th year. We are based at Lamar High School and Rice University. While the majority of our members go to lamar high school we have many members that are either homeschooled or from various other schools around the city.
FRC Team 1912 Combustion from Slidell, Louisiana based out of Northshore High School. 2012 will be our seventh year competing and our home is the Bayou Regional, where we have won RCA for the past two years. We normally have 15 mentors and a little over thirty students. Our website is http://www.team1912.com
FRC Team 2655 The Flying Platypi is a 5-year-old team based out of Colfax, North Carolina. We have 23 students this year (we are a purposely small team, with a cap of 25 members), and 9 mentors. We will be competing at the Peachtree Regional and our “home” regional in Raleigh NC. Last year we won the RCA at the NC Regional as well as the Website Excellence award at both regionals we attended. Our website is Team2655.org
We’re going into our 10th season as a FRC team. We’re from Avon CT and are consistently competitive in the CT Regional, having won in 2010, 2008, 2007, and 2006. Team membership ranges between 15 and 40 members (we’re around 25 this year). We’ll be at the CT Regional this year, and St. Louis (if we can find the money).
Hello all! We are an 8-year-old team located in Northeastern NJ, originally founded in the 2005 season. Currently, we have 90 students on the team, who go to two schools that comprise the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. There are also about 15 mentors, 4 of whom teach in the district. We won Rookie All-Star in NJ in 2005, and have won Chairman’s twice (2008 in NJ and 2009 in Palmetto). Additionally, we have won both the NJ and Virginia regionals in for the past two years. This year, as well as competing at the NYC regional, will be competing at the Mt. Olive and Rutgers MAR District events, and the MAR Championship and Champs in St. Louis if we qualify. You can find out more about us at our website, www.team1676.com.
I am a mentor and alumni of Team Stealth (#1802) based in Kansas City, KS out of Piper High School. Normally we have right about 20 students but we (happily) expanded to 40 students for this season. Currently 12 of these are female which is 3 times more than we normally have. Our rookie year was in 2006 to help out a student who could not take AP Physics(not enough people interested in the class).
We’ve had our fair share of issues as a team but come out better and better every year. We have had 4 coaches, mentor changes (due to personal issues with other mentors) and 5 home changes in our almost 6 years. As a mentor, I am feeling very confident in our team this year and we hope to be able to take then entire team to STL this year. Last year we just took a student because we were in the running for the website award.
I am a part of Team Driven 1730. We are based out of Lee’s Summit, MO. This year we are attending the KC Regional and the Queen City Regional. We also attended IRI and co-host the CowTown ThrowDown in the off season.
Here is a very large picture of our team in 2011. :yikes:
We are team 1208, the Metool Brigade. As we start our tenth year in FRC we have 120 student members and 5 mentors. We operate out of O’Fallon, Illinois, a suburb of St. Louis, Mo. (Home of the World Series Champion Cardinals). This year we will be competing at the Greater Kansas City Regional and the St. Louis Regional, as well as the Championships, in St. Louis.
We have won 13 different awards throughout the years, but never a Chairman’s Award, so look out St. Louis, we are still reaching for the brass ring!
I am on team 2733 The Pigmice. We are known locally for our sometimes crazy ideas. Our team started competing in lego league (and won the world championship). Now as an FRC team, we have expanded and look to broaden peoples views of STEM fields. http://www.pigmice.com/#! (don’t judge, new website going up on kickoff).
This year we will compete at our local Portland regional and at the Spokane regional. We look forward to a good year.
Minibot deployment at the Portland regional.
I will update this post with a picture of the team. Or you can look at my avatar pic (this is one of those crazy ideas that I mentioned).
We’re team 639, (the first) Code Red Robotics from Ithaca NY. We’ve been around since 2001, and have won regionals in 2004 and 2005. Since then, we have reliably gotten into the semifinals at atleast one regional, and our showing has been improving as well. Our team has grown astronomically in the last two years–from 35 to 60. Though this presents many hurdles, our team has kept our base philosophy that the robot should be led, designed, built, and tested by students with the mentors acting as a very valuable safety net. To this, major decisions remain a popular democratic vote, and the club is run fully by student officers. We’re pretty well known for being ‘those guys with the tank’, which is an image we are trying to change. In the past years, we’ve used tank tread and way too much T-slot to make a robot that is unbreakable, but quite slow and heavy.
We are team 88 (TJ^2), We have been in FIRST since 1996. We are based out of Bridgewater-Raynham regional Highschool in Massachusetts. Currently we have around 60 students on our team and travel with the top 40 students ranked on the team. Ranking is decided from fundraising and hours spent working on team related things. Each year our team travels to the boston competition and one other, this year we chose the Chesapeake regional. http://tj2.org/images/themes/team88.jpg