** Hey ya’ll! Who knows their stuff? I am a new ChiefDelphi forum member…but I have no earthly idea what I am doing. Granted, I am the treasurer of my robotics team and really should know a lot about technology…but reality is…I don’t know jack when it comes to computers. The only thing I know how to do is manage money and fundraise. Infact, this is the first time I have ever posted(made a thread?).
I feel a bit lost with all of these technology terms I am seeing on the posts but I really would like to be better able to understand them. I guess thats why I am in robotics…to learn something totally and completely new. Sry, rambling again (oops!), but if there is anyone who really knows their posting, forum surfing stuff, and would like to help a poor lost girl, would you please let me know?! How do I edit my profile? And how do I get my picture up on the top of my post? I have no earthly idea what I am doing! Thank ya’ll for at least viewing my post too. **
Elgin posted good links for you but to answer two of your questions directly on the orange bar at the top of the page are links. Click on the one that says “user cp”. That is your user control panel where you can edit/modify/change your profile. You can also see your reputation points there. That’s also where you can add an avatar. To post a picture go to the gray bar above the orange bar I previously mentioned. You would then click “picture galleries”. You will upload your pic to the “who am I gallery”. It may take awile for it to show up, all pictures have to be approved first before they’re added. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
Hey, thanks a lot Clock! That sure was a fast reply! Another thing I just love about robotics…people are so friendly! You just dont find that in football.
One more thing, if anyone knows any cool tricks for posting or anything like that, would you please let me know? I plan on mastering the basics first…but later on I might be able to use them! Plus, maybe some other people can use them too. Thanks ya’ll!
As a friendly tip, you should preview your posts before actually submitting them. That way, you will not forget to finish certain tags like you (cough… SAWeber95… cough, cough) did on your previous post.
You can even be really obnoxious and add pictures to your signature so when someone is looking at the threads, they’ll say: Oh no, not another post by this guy…
Hey! Thank ya’ll! As for the mess up on my last post…well, its a good thing I am not a programmer. But now I know! With the pictures…I have noticed that some people have a certain…fetish with them. I dont know how long it will be until I get my pictures up…prolly not for a little while because last night my computer crashed…NOOO! The Dell Co. help line told me that I may need a new hard drive…but if I get a new hard drive…doesn’t that mean that all my work on it goes out with the old one?! I called a local computer genius to help me out…pray for my computer! If my computer drive is truely dead then it really will be a long time until I get my pictures up. Thanks for you advice. Hey, do any of ya’ll know how to turn off something called Filter Keys on my computer without restarting? It happens when I am thinking before submitting a message on AOL (using Shift=Enter) and I hold down the shift key while i am thinking and if I hold it down too long then the Filter Keys are activated. Its kind of like caps lock in that all the letters are capitalized except that I cannot use any punctuation marks or numbers. Its crazy! If you know how I can deactivate it, please let me know! Thanks again ya’ll! I hope I posted this right…
Hit the SHIFT key 5 times repeatedly and then click the settings button in the dialog box that pops up. You will see a checkbox for Filter Keys and some other things. Uncheck the Filter Keys checkbox and you should be good to go.
edit: After you uncheck that box, click on the setting button next to where it says Filter Keys. You can disable it from there.
“The shortcut for Filter Keys is to hold down the Right Shift key down for 8 seconds.” That’s probably what you are doing, and to turn it off just follow the steps I mentioned previously.
This thread may help you out with alot of basic functions. Feel free to send myself or any moderator a private message if you need specific help with something, but don’t want to ask it out in public.
Also, searching is your friend. There are nearly 1/4 million posts on these forums, chances are someone has had the same problem you are having, and the answer has already been given.