Who likes to Party!!!
Who likes to Party!!!
This question goes out to all of the teams going/have gone to the nationals: Is the party fun?
I ask this question because my team is having a bit of trouble deciding wether to go to the party, or go back to the hotel for the night. My opinion is that my team should go to the party because it is a great time. Where else can you find hundreds of high school aged kids dancing, laughing, and having a good time in a part of Disney World that was shut down just for them?! I feel that the party is the prime time to meet new people from across the country. You may never see these peolple again, and what a way to spend the time, have a party!
Even though my team may sound anti-social, there are plenty of us on the team that want to have a great time dancing, laughing, and meeting new people. I, for one, am one of those people. Feel free to say hello to anyone wearing tye-dyed 88 shirts(however, they may not talk back).
P.S. If you want to talk and have some fun throughout the competion, “CARSON #2” is on the back of my tye-dyed shirt. Feel free to come over and chill for a while, or even the day!