I just wanted to know whose planning on attending the Scrrf Scrimage in San diego in a few weeks? my team planning on it but we need repairs so well see
We haven’t unpacked our crate.
And due to a variety of circumstances, won’t have much time for repairs.
But we’ll be there anyway. 10 kids are spending the night.
cools 294 is going
who else? whose going to the san diego Sectional event?
Personally id Call it the SD Sectional just rolls off your tongue
(Reving the thread to see if more people are going)
So far the following teams have registered or emailed indicated that they are coming to the Team San Diego Scrimmage (sponsored by the San Diego Robotics Forum) on May 22: 22, 294, 634, 812, 980, 1011, 1079, 1125, 1266, 1372.
Team 22 will be coming and some kids are going to go to the party.
haha Thats alot of Powerful teams from this year (any year) coming to this thing it should be a blast not to mention hard (for us)
is a there place where i can find more information on this thing? like what teams are going and anything else i could know? i heard about somone seeing something but they coudlnt remember where
We will be there too!! With some modifications as well.
im not going anymore no rides
Can Someone going to the San Diego thing take a picture or two so i can see what it was like?
That’s funny. I just this second plugged in the digital camera, thought about giving the camera to Marygrace so she can document their overnight, get on my computer for the last time today, and the email with your statement was the first thing I saw.
We hope to be attending, but there is still a problem pertaining to transportation.
Noooo!!!..we want everybody there. Hope it works out!
Our team is going to be there for the scrimmage! We unfortunately can’t make it to the lock-in. We just decided to go to the scrimmage yesterday so it was too late to organize everyone going to the lock in. I hope everyone has fun tonight and I’ll see you all tomorrow!!! Does anyone know of other teams (besides us, 330) who are going that were not on the list posted earlier?
980 will be there if nothing pops up
look at the date man
You’ll have to go back in time for that.
the same SD sectional will occur this year again for any local team that wants to make the trip in MAY
LOL, it’s late, man that’s hilarious!
lol. well, we are having it again this year. so all u guys better show up. It’s going to be fun since it’s an overnight party, only better.
Someone beat me to posting about this. Anyway here is the flyer we are passing out at our regional events. San Diego Scrimmage
The doors open at 5PM and lock at 8PM May 20, 2005.
I want to hear that we are booked full.
haha! of course i beat you Jared, it is me. lol. see ya later.