team 930 cant wait till the midwest regionals. The anticipation is just so great. I really wanna check out 45, 71, and 111. They all put on one great show last year and i hope we get paired with them once this year, or at least face them. Im really looking forward to testing our new autonomous mode with brand new drill motors. Our old program had fried drill motors and was limited to slower speeds in the software and we still made it to the stacks in 6.5 seconds. It will be great. I wanna hear what the other teams are thinking about midwest!!!
team 68, 71, 45, 16, feds 111!..should be great fun…
Cant wait to compete with and against alot of the teams that are going to be there:)
yay robots!
and i cant wait to goto mustards and eat some italian beef and sausage smothered in hot peppers:)
The midwest regional will be tons of fun…cant wait to see how we do, along with 45, 68, 71, and of course the Feds:D
Midwest will be awesome! With 11 Wisconsin teams going, hopefully one of us can pull of a second 2003 regional champion!!
- Katie
We are really looking forward to it…St. Louis was fun, but Midwest looks like it will be AMAZING, especially because we don’t HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!!
I hope we can do THIS again (Image credits to 447:))
btw. you 2 indiana rookie teams rock!
That sounds like such an awsome play and i cant wait to see the indiana teams that have joined first this year in action at regionals! WOO indiana!
Let’s go cheeseheads
It’ll be an awesome time, see you all there!
Tyler puts on some mosh music and starts to head band with his long hair (wait I have long hair?) Tyler looks up and sees his cat on his head scared to death from the music!!!
“I am a cheese head baby, the pride of wisconsin!!!”
Wisconsin teams all the way!!! and of course my good buddies from 201 and 45 (well 45 can do bad thats ok (lol jk DJ)
I’m excited! I can’t wait to see you all there! We’ve got back-to-back regionals (GLR and Midwest), so it’ll be an exciting time. Perhaps another alliance pairing? We’ll see…
234 is pumped and ready to roll…flail on.
go cheeseheads! ( forgot to mention that )
Well, it’s about time Team 706 made a showing, along with all the other Wisconsin teams out there. Midwest will be great, it’s too bad out hotel doens’t have a swimming pool to get kicked out of. Sorry Sussex, last year we said we were you when we got thrown out. . . Hope ya didn’t catch heat for it! :ahh:
*Originally posted by Jeff Waegelin *
**I’m excited! I can’t wait to see you all there! We’ve got back-to-back regionals (GLR and Midwest), so it’ll be an exciting time. Perhaps another alliance pairing? We’ll see… **
well your bot looks like a bsh (brick s**t house) so you’ll never know
*Originally posted by EvilInside *
**Sorry Sussex, last year we said we were you when we got thrown out. . . Hope ya didn’t catch heat for it! :ahh: **
Ouch, that’s harsh! :yikes:
- Katie
*Originally posted by Tyler Olds *
well your bot looks like a bsh (brick st house) so you’ll never know **
A what? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that term before. Care to explain?
*Originally posted by Jeff Waegelin *
**A what? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that term before. Care to explain? **
BSH means that your bot looks like it could kick some ummmm butt. Robust design and lots of torque and very reliable (It’s what we called our bot last year).