Who's your favorite X-men

I was just wondering what every body favorite X-men was and why. :smiley: Mine’s Gambit becasue he has those charged cards he throws and I like playing cards

He’s not really an X-man, but Apocalypse is really cool.
“I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!”
Oh yeah, Apocalypse rules.

That new X-man Marrow is cool too. She can make her bones grow into spines and claws. Word!

Ok dude you definately need more choices on your poll!!!

Two words,




Cable, Bishop, Colossus, Gambit (if he’s your favorite, why isn’t he in the poll?), Rogue, Morph, Jubilee, Iceman, Psylocke, Storm, [Arch]angel, and the Professor himself…
And even then, there’re others: Mr. Sinister, Mystique, Juggernaught, Magneto (!!!), Sabertooth… Apocalypse, the Brood, the Phalanyx… I’m sure there’re more…


I mean come on, she’s got that white hair thing going on. you have to respect that.

-Andy A.

Andy, it’s Rogue, not Rouge. Rouge is makeup. :wink:

Yeah, my favorite is Rogue too! :slight_smile:

  • Katie

Hey, I just realized that in my post listing a bunch of characters, I didn’t specify which was my personal favorite. Well, Gambit is the coolest in my book.

ok, my absolute… all time favorite is Storm! aka Auroro Monroe. She’s so cool! I was really happy with Halle Berry playing her in the movie even though she didn’t have a huge role. I’m looking forward to the 2nd movie…how about you all?