I want to adjust the shooter angle based on the robot’s distance. After reviewing the code of other teams, I saw that they use an interpolation method. From what I understand, in this method, the shooter angle and distance are calculated by creating an x-y map. However, there’s one thing that’s been bothering me: they also include the shooter speed in these calculations. Why do they adjust the shooter speed based on distance? After all, at full speed, the game pieces will travel in a straight line, right?
Up close a full speed shot may bounce out.
And, if you’re shooting from close, you can reduce spin up time if a slower shot is OK.
In our experience, depending on the game piece and scoring mechanism, shot speed made a difference. In 2020 our shoot speed changed depending on distance and if we were moving or not. In 2022 the speed changed based on distance to keep the ball from bouncing out. In 2023 we used powered rollers on top and bottom and we could change the trajectory based on distance by increasing or decreasing one of both roller.
Is the speed measured by the encoders (rotational speed) or is it the percentage of power given to the motor?
Encoder. Using motor power is extremely unreliable for getting exactly the right speed.
In addition to bounce-out, slower shots can be more accurate by allowing an arced shot. 1690 was the only team who was consistent at scoring at the inner goal because their robot was designed to take low-speed arced shots.
Thank you for the answers and explanations
And to increase our overall cycle speed.
Why wait for the shooter to ramp up to max speed when half will do the trick?
We have used both methods but in most cases we settle on the percentage of power given to the motor. We found that to be simplest and can calibrate for every shot based on three distances. We also determined the max and min shot distance and coded in a safe guard that disabled the ability to activate the shooter if it is out of range.
EDIT: Our programing team may disagree with the above statement of it being “simplest”
How did you transfer from the intake to the shooter? Did you use distance sensors or a mechanical method
piece and the feed rate ultimately affect the shot, right?
We used a feeder to move the game piece from the indexer to the shooter at a constant defined speed.