So many people on my team just decide not to show up to any meetings
Today on the way to school my friend and I spun out and rolled the car over a snow bank taking out a mailbox and hitting a tree
Luckily we were able to crawl out through a broken window
Now i have an example of something that is reason to miss a meeting
sorry for no upside down photos… didn’t think of camera phone till after it was flipped back over
Ouch… I hope you are ok. That really really sucks to see that.
I missed 2 meetings so far because I just got all my wisdom teeth out and I thought that was a good reason not to come, but you got me beat there.
I hope you what ever happened to you and your friend heals quickly.
Actually, there’s only a very small risk of explosion. Fewer than half of one percent of car crashes involve explosions. But it is good to know he’s okay. He’s pretty lucky. Can you tell I’m currently in the safety unit of PE?
Pfft. It’s a good reasion now to make it a true 4x4 vehicle. Just trim the top off, straighten out the body, get some lockers in the front and rear w/ some tires and you can claim you’re a true Jeeper!!
Sorry to hear that, and luckly you got out alive. Make sure to get another jeep.
Just wanting to know though - My ZJ Has been the best vehicle in the snow that I have ever driven - what happened? I have the 4.0 I-6 w/ AWD. (1993)
Glad to hear you’re OK. Usually with something like that you don’t really start to feel it until the following day. You’re lucky the tree took out the cargo area and not the front passenger compartment. Even though I’m not a Jeep person it’s sad to see any vehicle in that condition.
On our team we carry the robot in our vehicles at times, just imagine what would happen if we had our robot with us and something like that happened. :eek:
But Matt’s right. If the frames not bent, get a saw start trimming, put on an exo-cage, lift, tires, lockers, etc. That would be a sweet trail ride. Or just get a real Jeep like my TJ (Wrangler for those of you who don’t speek Jeepism)