Why should Andy be on Survivor?

Which part of Andy’s video is the best reason that he should be on survivor?

My vote goes to the turkeys. =-]

I have to say either the “I’m a geeky enginneer part” or the “I can wrestle pigs.”

The Turkey was pretty good too. :slight_smile:

And, of course, you had the real Canadians.

The pig wrestling. Definitely.

This should be a no-brainer to anyone who was at the LA regional in 2002.

Can I vote for “Real Canadians!” :wink:

“I’m competitive”

Only because I got to drag race him on a Segway…lol

While the pig scene is an enticing option, I have to go with “geeky engineer.” I think that should be a reason for lots of things. =)

But technically, I’m with Jeff.

That was great. REAL Canadians, as opposed to the fake kind. =)

I think the producers (or whoever it is they have watch those tapes) will appreciate the “Real Canadians” and the pig scene. Those 2 are the best in terms of humor and personality, in my opinion.

Andy should be on survivor BECAUSE I SAID SO:mad:


Can we get the Canadians on Survivor?

I’d have to say the pig wrestling was great.

Yes, the Canadians should definitely be put on the show. :slight_smile:

Survivor: Yukon?

CBS.com Survivor Rules:

· All contestants must be United States citizens and be living in the United States.


How about:

Survivor - Potsdam, NY

Seriously. I bet no one makes it past December.

Ya, I feel left oot. What aboot the Yankees at Canada’s Wonderland, eh?


Andy should be on Survivor… because he is AWESOME! :smiley:

I adore geeky people…so you can guess why I want him on.

I’m an uber fan of ‘‘because im competitive’’ how could you not be, he used a segway.

Haha I was watching that and I was like ‘hey its me’ I had forgotten that we did that…

Über good reasons tho, andy definitly needs to be put on survivor

Why not?

A huge thank you to DJ Fluck for editing this video - I owe ya, DJ.

I kinda weenied-out on the pig wrestling thing, as I had a tough time catching those 2 pigs. My niece will be showing them in the upcoming 4-H fair, and I didn’t want to put a hurt on them (yeah, that’s it). :slight_smile:

The turkey thing is pretty neat, as the gobbled on cue.

We’ll see what happens.

Andy B.

There is a really good chance for you being on because you’re nationally famous, thats really all they care about.

ditto :slight_smile: