O.K. I think I have read every post about the Championship on this web site (I may have missed some) and I can’t believe no one has discussed this question: “why the move?”.
I have been attending the Team forums for the last 3 years and one of the major topics is Disney as a venue. When FIRST limited the Championship, we all chimed in about moving from Disney. Last year, when the package prices at Disney increased and the $75 entry fee was implemented (non-property staying teams) we all chimed in about leaving Disney. At the team forum in Michigan we were pretty vocal about leaving Disney (although we almost didn’t bring it up). I can look at numerous threads in the archives about moving from Disney.
Now, I understand that there are many people who didn’t want to move from Disney but the momentum has been building for years. One way to look at it is that FIRST listened to us and moved the Championship to try out something new. Another perspective is that Disney was going to increase prices again and FIRST knew we would all chime in about that.
My personal belief is that FIRST used this year as a negotiating tactic with Disney. Now, at least, the Disney people realize FIRST will pull out if the deal isn’t right.
About the airfare… It took our team 5 minutes calling traditional travel agencies to find a better deal from Detroit to Houston than what FIRST negotiated with Continental. Around $360 is what Continental told us with the discount and we found it for $320 without even trying. I am skeptical about the good deal we are getting from Continental.
Comments please.