Wifi AP connection to bot

Our team is trying to get last years robot to work wirelessly. We have never gotten it to work yet. Our current setup: driver station connected through the bridge to the cRio (100% ethernet tethered). Works perfectly. On the diagnostic page of the DS the “Ethernet”,“Bridge” and “robot” lights turn green. When I disconnect it the DS tries to connect wirelessly. The “ds radio” and “bridge” blink at random intervals. Once, they both blinked at the same time, and stayed for about 3 seconds. Then the robot light turned green too, but it died so fast I wasn’t able to test it. Is the bridge dead or what?


Is the security code still set?
In other words, have you used the DLink since you playing on an official field last year?

You can check by browsing to the DLink and checking the bottom of the Wireless menu.
If security is still set, just turn it off.

Just reset it with no encryption. Can I just connect any router I have lying around (assuming I set it correctly)? Assuming this fixes things we will buy a new dap1152.

Most wireless routers will work. They do need to have compatible bands/frequencies to the PC/Driver station (for that matter you can double-check the DLink settings to see that they match your PC’s wireless card specs.

Do double-check the voltage requirements if you plan to plug it into the robot power system. For a quick test though just use the wall outlet to see if it

how about that old linksys thing that we used a few seasons ago. you know, that little black box with one ethernet port.

edit: never mind, I think that is only a bridge.

does anybody else have any ideas as to what might be causing this? We can still connect to the access point when it is mounted on the bot in the developer account.

I’ve got the box here in front of me. I just reset it and I am redoing everything. I noticed that I might have missed a step, namely disabling “wifi protected setup” (wcn2). I don’t have anything to test it on until Monday, but could that be what is causing the problem?

Yes, any security setting that’s not matched by the PC will prevent wireless communication.

OK. From what it sounds like, you’re trying to create a WiFi link between the Classmate (or whatever laptop) and the DAP-1522 bridge. In order to do this, the bridge has to be in Access Point mode. I believe the instructions do NOT set it up with way, but I could be mistaken. I this scenario, the bridge is broadcasting an SSID (wireless connection name) so that DEVICES may connect to IT. You also probably need to set a static IP in this situation because the bridge wouldn’t be set up for routing.

NORMALLY, for competition at least, you set up the bridge for BRIDGE mode. In this case the BRIDGE is the DEVICE and a main router is the access point. Thus, you would turn off WiFi on your laptop and connect it through a wired connection to the router. Then the bridge would connect to the ROUTER’S wireless network which would then allow your robot and DS to talk (because they’re now connected on the same network).

I think you’re trying to merge the two situations and the bridge is not connecting to the router because the router isn’t even involved. Is this correct? I hope this helps. I may be misunderstanding you situation.

  • Bryce

P.S. In the current setup you could possibly set up an Adhoc network with your DS laptop which would then allow the bridge to connect to it as well. You would have to set a static IP for this.

That is the recommended method for “team use” per the getting started guide (both last year and this year).

If you can connect to the router through the dev user then it will work, the reason it is most likely not working is because when in driver it is not connected to the router/bridge, which means no robot communication. What I figured out is that if you go into the dev user and connect to your bridge you have to check the box that says connect automatically, or else when in driver it will have no clue which thing to connect to. But if this does not work then when in driver you have to Ctrl+Shift+Esc it and exit the driver station then connect to the bridge in there then in start you can start back up the driver station. And that should do the trick!

Yeah, checking the rookie kit, it looks like they’ve stopped shipping a router for new teams this year too. Sorry for the confusion. I guess I haven’t perused that section for the last couple years.

  • Bryce