[wiki]: FIRSTwiki Software Update

Is there anything I can do to help with updating the MediaWiki software? The wiki desperately needs tools to prevent spammers and to help with the functionality!

Current version at mediawiki is in the 1.18 range while firstwiki lists 1.4 as its software version. As Nathan notes, going after the spam there is a task on the order of bailing the ocean with a teacup. First order of business should be upgrade of the base software which is now on a CD server as i understand it.

Actually, FIRSTwiki is 1.6.5, but that’s not very much better.

I’ve finished a read-thru of the 1.18 configuration parameters. Many, if not all, of the problems and issues plaguing firstwiki seem to be addressed in the newer version. What do we need to do to make the update happen? I have entertained the idea of getting a site at 000freeweb and putting the most recent version of wikimedia there for practice. I do already have a passing familiarity with both SQL and PHP, but by no means an expert.

I’ve installed/upgraded MediaWiki a couple times before, so I would be happy to do it over spring break (2 weeks away for me) if I can get access to the server. If someone else can do it sooner or knows more - go for it!