WildStang 2012 CMP: Iterate

Design. Build. Test. Iterate.

See you at Championship.

I see stuff that I get the feeling has to do with bridge testing…

Hmm, this could be stuff that they are removing or swapping out for a different design. I’ll have to stop by their pit and see for myself.

These pieces definitely look like they were on their robot at regionals (well these are probably pieces from their practice bot)… I am excited to see what changes they have made for championships!

To me this is what separates good teams from the greats. Even though 111 breezed through North Star they decided that they want more out of their championship performance than what their current robot offers.

From what I can tell, there is at least a stinger and hopper in there. Not sure if it is new though.

“I think we can fit Raul now…”

:wink: :wink:

No robot will ever pass inspection with Raul.

Looks like they made some weight by changing out their hopper to allow for drop down casters to help get off walls as well as a stinger. I get the feeling there will also be some improvements to their drop down ball collector, the reason for both this and the casters being the difficulty in getting balls out of corners.

I see your “secret weapon” in that picture, but I have a feeling that you have something even bigger in the works.

In that picture: turret, inbounder ball catcher, unknown plate, the bridge tipper, and i think the shooter hood adjusters?

I wonder if the “fish hook” thing in the middle of the pic is a device to grapple their partner robot to help balance…

You are correct. It was never used at CMP, but we used it at midwest. it worked pretty well.

That was the grabber we used at Midwest. We made a new, better one for CMP.

Everything in the photo, except for the accumulator at the very top and the catapult top left, were things we took off at Championship.

What is more amazing is that WildStang still finished inspection early!