Wildstang VEX competition

Wildstang is hosting its first VEX competition on December 5 at Rolling Meadows High School (2901 W Central Rd, Rolling Meadows, IL). The entrance fee is $75 and is open to any officially registered VEX team. Bring your crystal or VEXnet robots, the competition field will support both.

The competition will be a one day event with qualification matches scheduled to begin mid-morning followed by elimination matches starting mid-afternoon and finishing before dinner. The complete, detailed schedule will be posted once it is finalized.

This small event is a great place to prepare for the larger events later in the season and an excellent opportunity to qualify for the Championship of the Americas in March and the World Championship in April. Our out of state friends are encouraged to attend and show the Illinois teams how the game is played.

Sign up now at RobotEvents to reserve your spot. Registration is limited to 24 teams.

Wish we could attend. It would be fun to compete with Wildstang in a competition where we *might *win. :slight_smile: