Does anyone know if limelight is planning on supporting AprilTags in the stock firmware?
Before anyone asks. I have nothing against photonVision. Just curious.
Does anyone know if limelight is planning on supporting AprilTags in the stock firmware?
Before anyone asks. I have nothing against photonVision. Just curious.
Limelight Inventory Update is the latest update I’ve seen. Plenty of different pieces of info, but no official word that I’ve seen yet.
I know certain beta testers who have been testing the April tag functionality. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s part of the base functionality of the device.
Beta testers of new limelight or beta testers of new firmware for old limelight?
The line of “LL2 will continue to get top class software support” makes me think there will be a firmware update for the LL2 to support April tags and then a new hardware unit released. I have also anecdotally heard about beta testers for the new firmware on a LL2 and beta testers for the LL3.
Limelight updated their firmware and docs to support Apriltags.
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