For those with the cubes already, how sturdy are the cube walls? Are they likely to pop in game?
They’ll probably violently explode during your first game.
First game will always go wrong.
These are probably the most fragile game pieces i have ever seen
They are PVC fabric which is reasonably sturdy, but yes its very easy to pop them depending on what grabbing mechanism you are using. (like if you use pneumatic you will my popping every cube)
I’d be impressed if any make it to week 1 /s
The interesting thing will be how the popped game piece interacts with peoples drive train.
they are like a high quality beach ball in construction. they will be popped but instead of being sucked under the robot they will be pushed forward. I doubt they will be left scattered across the field due to the low starting quantity and linear cycle path.
Still no specification on the material. Would be interesting to know.
I would not be surprised if the cubes explode before week one
I’m just imagining a robot accidentally popping a wheelie and landing on one.
according to andymark it is pvc fabric. its like a beach ball but thicker.
YES - they will pop, however for some reason you can still score with the popped pieces, could cause some interesting strats
when the cube has a giant tear on it, i’m not sure if electrical tape will cut it.
would that be a “damaging game pieces” foul though?
I would imagine repeated/intentional damage will be penalized
Not sure, depends if refs think it’s “intentional” or not
Where did you see that you can score with popped pieces?
If its not intentional, I don’t think you’ll get penalized. That being said, we’ll have to see how that holds up during actual comp.