Will we run out of game pieces at high levels of play?

Do we think there’s going to be a match where both alliances score every single game piece on the field? It feels like there’s a lot of game pieces, but with low cycle times and bots getting faster and faster i think it’s definitely possible.

I am almost certain there will be at least once alliance who manages to fill out their entire reef and net.

I believe at a competitive DCMP or at World’s if neither alliance plays defense we could see running out of game pieces all together. What do people think?




There are so many game pieces one will almost always go from one end of the field to the other and get scored.


it depends on how many coral you can fit on L1…
but yes, I believe that we will see a match where all 9 algae, 36 L2-L4 coral, and as many L1 coral as possible(somewhere between 24-36?) are scored by both alliances


there are 30 coral in each hps and only 36 pegs on the reef, and that does not include L1 so it should be fine

If no one played defensive I’m positive hight level of play could I just doubt to many matches will have then happening. If someone tried they could

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Maybe, but every robot would have to be doing thirty cycles for coral alone. It might be possible though.

We’ve already seen teams show that 20+ cycles are possible, this alone adds up to over 60 scored alliance wide. Now I know that the 20+ has only been shown on L1, but I believe that top teams will be able to quickly score on all levels (under a second line-up). Additionally with only 9 algae per alliance, it wouldn’t take much time to score all of them. While it might take a quals dream alliance, I do see this happening sometime this year.

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If you divide everything equally, each robot has to score 20 coral and 3 algae. Assuming the average cycle time for a competitive team at a dcmp or california regional is 6-8 seconds(based on some of the ri3ds), that works out to about 140 seconds to score all of the coral, leaving ~25 seconds to score all of the algae.


you mean to score the algae?

yes thank you!

This would be easier to discuss if we all had the same numbers in front of us:

  • 126 coral for the whole field
    • 63 per alliance
    • 21 per bot
  • Starting locations:
    • 6 staged on the field at the match start
    • 30 in each coral station holder, but each robot can take one of those to hold at the start of the match.
  • If evenly placed on the reefs
    • 12 on L4
    • 12 on L3
    • 12 on L2
    • 27 on L1
      • 4.5 on L1 per side of the reef hexagon
      • Or all sides will need 4 in L1, half the sides will need 5

If all 6 bots have Coral at the start…that would be 66 per alliance. I am guessing.

No, you have to take one out of the coral holder to hold at the start. There are 57 to 60 in the coral holders for each alliance depending on how many of the robots want to hold one.


You may be correct. We will find out in a couple of weeks.

You may be correct…

126 CORAL are staged for each MATCH as follows (reference Figure 6-2):
A. 1 CORAL is staged on each CORAL MARK (6 total, CORAL are staged such that each CORAL covers the opposite ends of each CORAL MARK),
B. 1 CORAL may be preloaded in each ROBOT by the ROBOT’S DRIVE TEAM, such that the CORAL is fully supported by the ROBOT (up to 6 total, a CORAL not pre-loaded in a ROBOT is staged with CORAL in the corresponding ALLIANCE AREA), and
C. remaining CORAL are split evenly behind each CORAL STATION (57 to 60 per ALLIANCE, depending on
how many are preloaded in ROBOTS).”


It 57-60 coral per alliance in the feeder stations, total. The 3 PC variance is for preload. You’ve got a couple too many in your account.

My counts are correct. I account for the preload:


C. remaining CORAL are split evenly behind each CORAL STATION (57 to 60 per ALLIANCE, depending on how many are preloaded in ROBOTS).”

Most of the time all six robots are going to want a preload. Those six coral can’t be split evenly between the coral stations. Splitting it as evenly as possible, two coral stations will have 28 and two will have 29.

  • Does each alliance get one a station with 28 and one with 29? Or could one alliance get two stations with 29 and one get two stations with 28?

So lets say that the opposing alliance wants three preloads and your alliance decides to forgo two preloads. Now the coral can be taken from the stations evenly. Each coral station should have 29 according to the rules.

  • Is this actually the intent? If you don’t preload coral, could that give control over the coral to the other alliance?
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per alliance != per coral station

126 CORAL are staged for each MATCH as follows

A. 1 CORAL is staged on each CORAL MARK (6 total…

That leaves 120, of which another 6 could be preloaded, leaving 114, or 114/2=57 per alliance, so each coral station will be about 28 or 29.

I edited my last post to correct the numbers in my hypotheticals.

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