This is my first year using Windriver on our robot. We are having issues deploying code. We can deploy the code and reboot without any problems, and the driver station sees code, but it will not do anything. I have tried both the simple and iterative robot examples and the Jaguars do not change color when we move the joysticks. I also tried the Driver Station LCD text example, but it does not work either. The cRIO is imaged to the v43 image. I appreciate any help.
Yeah, this is strange. You are giving the jaguars commands without them responding. The only thing I can think of are the port numbers. Are you sure the ports for the jaguars correspond with the ones given in the code?
The PWM ports are correct in the code, but I am running the default example code. We are also using the older cRIO (8 slots). Is it possible that it is looking at the wrong card and not reading the digital sidecar? If it is, where do I change the card slot? Sorry, I am new to C++…
I don’t think there is any problems with the default example code; however, the fact that you’re using the 8-slot might be the problem. I can think of two fixes:
Quick fix
When a jaguar is declared, there is the option of putting in the module number for it. The module number should go from 1-8 on the cRIO. When you’re declaring the jaguar objects, try doing this: Jaguar blah(module number, port number). -
The other way is to change the cRIO to the 4-slot one, which is the new one. The reason I think you might have to do this is because the image might only be designed for the 4-slot (I’m not sure about this).
I was having a similar issue earlier. I ended up having to rearrange the cards in the cRIO. You can tell if they are in the wrong slot by going to the imaging tool, and looking a the cRIO diagram. If anything is red, change the slot.
Slot 1 must contain an NI 9201 analog module.
Slot 2 must contain an NI 9403 digital module.
Slot 3 may contain an NI 9472 solenoid module.
Slot 4 is empty.
Slot 5 may contain a second analog module.
Slot 6 may contain a second digital module.
Slot 7 may contain a second solenoid module.
Slot 8 is empty.
Also keep in mind that the first module of each kind (in slots 1-3) is always called “Module 1” in the code, and the second module of each kind is called “Module 2”.
Thank you! That fixed everything. I was so used to the Digital Card being in slot 4, I guess it makes sense that they changed it.