Windriver Example issues

After installing all the updates and software, when i start Wind river and attempt to load one of the examples no FRC examples are listed. (i.e. the simple robot template and whatever else that should be there.) Can anyone help? Could this be a lack of the WPILib?

Most likely you either didn’t install the update, or when you installed WindRiver Workbench, you didn’t install it to c:\WindRiver.

The WPILib installer doesn’t support any path other than c:\WindRiver


I am certain i installed it in the correct location as that is the only windriver folder on my computer and in the correct location. Can you tell me what order you installed all software in? Labview cd utilities first then Driverstation then windriver or whatever it may have been.


  1. NI DVD: Tools
  2. FRC Utilities Update
  3. WindRiver DVD: Workbench
  4. FIRST Forge: WPILib for C++ Update.

Thank you for the help! Seems like we either had the wrong order or just missed an update, but we are ok now. Just one more question, is the download button now a deploy button?
