Wire recoil reel

Power Reel, Is it ok to build a wire recoil reel that uses brushes so that we don’t end up with 10’ of wire to wind up? We fight this every year with a retracting arm this would go between the victor and motors. Would it be considered a connector?
Doug W

I have seen robots with a commercial power reel attached to their robot. Under the rules (and interpretation) for the last two years as I remember, these products were allowed after a thorough inspection to determine that no modification to the reel mechancism was made. Prior to that, cable reels were not allowed. These mechanisms were also used to power turrets last year. If you follow through the flow chart, I think you will see that they do meet that criteria as well. Many teams abandoned the idea once they found what they weighed. I believe that McMaster-Carr has several in their catalog.

My plan was to not use a commercial unit but to make my own. I own an automotive electronics company and could easily produce a light weight unit for sell to everybody, just wasn’t sure if was legal. Sounds like it’s in the gray area, I guess I need to email somebody at FIRST.
Thanks for the info.
Doug W