So 870 is bagged and tagged, but in one of our cleanup meetings, one team member had a good idea. Without getting into specifics, we need to put on another motor. We traditionally shy away from pneumatics, and so we already have 8 motors running, 4 CIMS, 2 Van Doors, and 2 Fisher Price. Most likely, we’d be adding another Fisher Price. We have the Van Doors running vacuums. It’s all done through CAN. My question is can we run the jaguars/Van Doors through the lower current slots on the power distribution block and add the driving Fisher Price motor to a 40 Amp slot without losing too much performance on our vacuums. Thanks.
tl;dr: Can we run van door motors through smaller ports on power distribution with a 30 amp breaker.
I personally don’t see why not. Last year, we were running out drive CIMs using a 30 Amp breaker, but those tripped a lot. I think van motors will be fine. Wasn’t the maximum current allowed on the smaller ports 20A? I am not too familiar with it.
You can’t have any more than 2 fisher price motors.
The only motors and actuators permitted on 2012 FRC Robots include:
up to 4 CIM motors (part #FR801-001, M4-R0062-12, AM802-001A, 217-200, PM25R-44F-1005 or PMR25R-45F-1003),
up to 4, in any combination, of the BaneBots motors provided in the KOP (acceptable part numbers are M7-RS775-12, M7-RS775-18, M5-RS550-12, M5-RS550-12-B, and M3-RS395-12),
up to 2 window motors (acceptable part #s are 262100-3030 and 262100-3040), up to 2 FisherPrice motors (acceptable part #s are 000968-9012, 00968-9013, 00801-0673, and 00968-9015),
up to 2 AndyMark motors (acceptable part # is am-0912),
up to 2 AndyMark gearmotors (acceptable part # is am-0914),
up to 2 Denso throttle control motors (acceptable part # AE235100-0160)
up to 2 VEX motors (acceptable part # 276-2177)
up to 2 window lift, seat, windshield wiper or door motors obtained through either the FIRST-Automotive Recyclers Association partnership or from a prior years’ KOP.
I know this has already been said, but you CANNOT use more than 2 fisher price motors this year.
That being said, AM-0912 and banebots’ RS-550 have the same dimensions and mounting geometries and similar power ratings. You can have up to 2 of the Andy mark motors and 4 Banebots motors. Since you haven’t used any Banebots motors yet, you can use 4 550s or some other combination of allowed banebots motors. The RS-775-18 motors are nice, but they are heavier than 550 sized motors and have a greater shaft diameter and different mounting features.
That depends on if the gearing is within the motor or in a separate gearbox. Even if it is “integral” (like the window motors’ gearboxes) there is nothing preventing them from running without the gearbox, usually, since there is a cap on the motor protecting the armature/commutator from the grease while also supporting the shaft. Since the rules didn’t say whether or not the gearboxes of ARA motors would be considered part of the motor, but it did specify this for other motors, then removing the gearboxes from ARA motors might be legal. It might depend on how the automotive recycler sold it (if it is sold with the gearbox, the gearbox is part of it).
But that is all irrelevant. Since motors supply mechanical power instead of just speed, if they had a high powered van door motor it would be easy to gear it up to achieve a higher speed if necessary as long as the power needed is within the motors capabilities.
Seeing by the model plane reference, my first thought is a large, relatively slow, ducted fan. Either that or large, multi-bladed propellers which can move a lot of air at only a few thousand RPM, and still probably quite a bit at a few hundred.
Personally, if I were using Van door motors to generate a vacuum, I might just use a lead screw and a giant syringe.
Your team number is low enough that you should remember 2009. If you are planning on using a prop, it must be protected as was required in 2009. The UL Standard Finger was the guide then and would be again in this application.