wisconsin regional prescouting list.

hello all, this is vivek from team 2264.
if your team is not on the list then please email me at [email protected]

well here it is.

and yes i know it is not very far but some teams make it really hard for me to find their contact info. on the internet.

81 score on all three levels of the rack.
93 lift two robots 13 inches. Score on all three levels.
171 not telling yet…L
269 lift two robots up 12 inches. Can also manipulate game pieces.
537 score game pieces on all three levels.
857 score on all 3 levels of the rack; can lift 2 robots 13 inches
1091 score on bottom two levels. Maybe top level(depending on their lifter working.)
1103 lifts two robots 12 inches high. Manipulates game pieces.
1306 2 robots 12 inches off the ground. Score on bottom two levels
1652 lift two robots. score
1675 mecanum drive. Score on all three levels
1714 Can score efficiently on all three levels.
1736 can lift two robots and manipulate game pieces.
1816 lift two robots 12 inches high.
2052 Mecanum drive, 6’ tall, all 3 levels (I think)
2129 Scores on all 3 levels
2153 score on bottom level of rack; can lift 2 robots 13 inches
2220 1 robot 12", 2/3 levels
2264 defense :smiley:

please give me info. about your team and/or criticism on how i could improve it.

857 - score on all 3 levels of the rack; can lift 2 robots 13 inches

2153 - score on bottom level of rack; can lift 2 robots 13 inches

thx. 857 especially frustrated me because you have no contact info. on your website or in your profile…:slight_smile:

hey as a rookie team it is great that u guys are starting to scout, one of our programmers has created a scouting program for use at regionals, and it is available to anyone who would like to use it. Simply contact him (he is our webmaster also) through www.team537.com if you need anything else at the regional or before shoot us an email and well be glad to help!

Add these to the list:

2052: Mecanum drive, 6’ tall, all 3 levels (I think)
2129: Scores on all 3 levels http://www.flickr.com/photos/61594827@N00/
2220: 1 robot 12", 2/3 levelshttp://www.rschooltoday.com/se3bin/clientgenie.cgi

Yeah, we’re redoing our website right now so, currently, it just serves as a source for team members to download important documents.

You can always try searching for team members on ChiefDelphi and contacting them via PM (I always try the person on the team I’m trying to contact who has the most posts - and is an active CD member - and work my way down from there!) :slight_smile:

yeah but barely any members reply to pm’s i didnt even check my inbox until a couple weeks ago and i had a couple messages that were weeks old.

it should alert you by email or something when you have a pm.

Team Frostbyte 754 can score on all three levels. We can pick up two robots 12 inches off the floor by using a deployable ramp that can be raised with a winch.

Team 2052 scores on the bottom two levels.

Great work. I’ll need to give a copy to 1103’s scouting people.

You can setup your account to e-mail you, and give you a pop up when you login. UserCP>Edit Options>Private Messaging>Check: Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages AND Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up.
The default should at least be to show a pop up.

^i think 1103 should pay me… :smiley:

2175 should be able to lift 2 robots 13-14 inches.

We may also be able to score on the middle level of the rack.

whaat? its not letting me edit my post a second time…

sorry guys

Wow, you found us out.

Here a picture of robot. ( Its one with the ring)

test 1 Picture for awards.jpg

test 1 Picture for awards.jpg

team 2202
Deploys 34 in wide ramp at 12 degree angle to hold 2 robots 13 in high.

So being stuck in our snow bound homes for the past weekend, some of us had a chance to think about what we have while watching others. After some deep thought and discussion within the team, it was decided some changes to our robot are going to be needed upon arrival. One thing that remains for certain is that we will be able to hang ringers, just not on all three levels; yet the possibility of two level hanging might still be there. Hope this doesn’t throw a wrench into anyone’s scouting plans…goodluck to all and see you Thursday!!