At 16:11 into MorTorq TV’s 5th Episode Woodie tells us,
“Just be careful about the stock market, with jello, gerbils, and K’nex blocks.”
Start guessing guys!
At 16:11 into MorTorq TV’s 5th Episode Woodie tells us,
“Just be careful about the stock market, with jello, gerbils, and K’nex blocks.”
Start guessing guys!
Hmm…there are red and blue jello gerbils out on the field, and as a team of 2 aginst another team, you have to see how many jello gerbils you can get into the mondo K’nex cage. If the jello gerbil looses its shape (IE you kill the gerbil) you loose points because you just killed it.
There will be two teams of 2 on the field and you will have a 15 second atonumos period to see who can open the cage first, the team that does get a free gerbil. After that you have 2 minutes of collecting and dumping your gerbils into the cage. The end result is counted as follows:
Live jello gerbils (that still look like gerbils) get you 2 points
Dead jello gerbils subtract 1 point.
Lastly if you can lift yourself or a teammate’s bot onto the cage, you gain bonus points.
haha i think it might be a better stragedy to just leave the gerbils alone.
for me i think in autonomous you have to hook your roboti up to te internet and make it choose 5 stocks that will earn it exactly 500.32 dollars
then it has to teleport the jello back to the human player at which point the human player must eat it using only the 3 foot long forks he has fashioned from the knex blocks
Hmmm the Stock Market goes up and down… as does a gerbil wheel… possibly some sort of ferris wheel structure on the field that rotates constantly? Some sort of wiggly jello-like game piece must be placed on this rotating structure and points are received for the amount of time in the ferris-wheel-thing (like a stock market investment).
…While the baton-whirling Tammy Trimble warns us of no more metal on the robots. :ahh:
That could be a very brilliant game. Sounds like a return of the autonomous bonus, but with an added “beginning of game” bonus…
are there any more 2008 game hints out there??? and what was the banana ever about in the 2007 game hint??? game hints are confusing.
Haha I love it how he’s just throwing stuff out there to throw people off. Woodie Flowers, you are the coolest.
By the way, very stellar production 1515. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so well produced by a team. Whoever edits and shoots it has a lot of skill and it shows.
OH NO!!!
Woodie has been corrupted by Dave!!!
Looks like he’ll finally get that jello game he wants
The game next year will involve stacking gamepieces ON your robot for points.
I have a good feeling on it.
Clearly, from the past game “hints” you have to think more about objects/concepts that relate closely with the item/concept mentioned. Thus, there will not be any gerbils or stock markets, but something relating to them.
Now, pairing this logic with everyone’s obsession with water… I propose this: The robot will have to ‘suck’ water from something that resembles a gerbil’s watering thing… i.e. your robot will have to push something to receive water. You’ll then presumably have to water a banana tree or something so Dave can finally resolve his banana craze. The stock market reference may be a new way of randomizing the robot pairings. Your QPs (or some other quantifier) would be “invested” in the team pool. Then the match pairings would occur on the fly based upon your teams “worth” in the team market.
I’m not sure about the K’nex, but they may become an acceptable building material for small assemblies. It would be cool to see teams building a custom camera mount using K’nex or something. Perhaps the manipulator that activates the water would have to be K’nex.
Have fun with that!
I’m skeptical about the K’nex… Isn’t Lego, like, a big sponsor or something like that?
I’m thinking next year, you will have to catch something with your robot.
Dunno why.
Just a feeling.
My first impression was maybe stacking objects that have similar properties of jello. and the jello stacks go up but also come down easily. However that seems to close to triple play. A hint also lies in the first logo. If you notice Triple play used triangles, aim high and rack and roll are all circle based, and then next year should be squares i think. The gerbils i really dont understand but the stock market he mentions to watch out for so the danger of the stock market is can go down quickly and enexpectedly so i think theres going to be somthing interesting next year.
Please… for all our sake… not again.
wonder if anyone would be interested in linking to some of the discussions regarding past hints…
Hey sry for the double post but does anyone have any idea what last year game hint was?
This might do for 2007
This became the ‘official one’. If the link in the first post doesn’t work, post #15 shows it. There were at least 2 unofficial threads that discussed possible hints and in those were lots of references to the triangle, square, circle.
This looks like it was the ‘official 2006’ one:
Edit: I posted these links for the purpose of helping our newer members of CD access and read about a couple of the past official hints, not to confuse or interfere with what Pavan started this thread for. If they add confusion, we can ask that they be removed from this thread.
In regards to the first logo idea, I have heard from my coach of a pattern over the years. If there is a pattern next year will be some thing to do with balls
As mentioned in the previous post by Jane, if you search there is a speculation based on the Triangle, Circle, Square logo. To be completely honest, for the last two years we have had circle games and the year before we had a triangle game. But lets leave that to the threads that Jane pointed out, this one is specifically about Woodie’s hint during the MorTorq Video.