Does anyone have, or know where I can get a copy of Woodie’s speech at this year’s nationals? There is one specific quote I’m looking for where he says that The robot is the hub for the competition, but the competition isn’t about the robot. I kinda need it soon, the assignment I need it for is due tommorow:D
If you have a fast connection, it might be in the opening ceremony video over at Soap108. Or if you want you can skip over to the Nationals video section. Warning though… it’s just under 300 megs…
Other than that, sorry, I can’t help ya…
I emailed Woodie about it. I’ll post the answer as soon as I get it. That;s all I can do…
So long, Phil
The robot is the campfire we gather 'round to share stories and learn the rules of mother nature . . . .
or something like that.
I liked that too.
Well, I havent heard back from Woodie yet, but I’ll keep on checking my email and if I get an answer during the day I’ll put it up ASAP!
so long, Phil
Dr. Woodie Flowers Office-
Woody- Ok, e-mail…
Woody- Spam, Spam, Spam, Dean (delete), Spam, PsycoPhil… What the?
Woody- Why would I respond to someone who has their name as Psyco?
Thank you guys very much, I’ll hand in the paper without the quote and explain to my teacher that I’m waiting for a copy of the speech, he’ll understand, he’s cool like that.
Okay, here’s a copy of part of the email that woodie sent me:
I hope the folks in #885 are looking forward to a wonderful Summer!
"Unfortunately I never write speeches. I try to have a map in my head representing what I plan to say – then just do my best to say it in an understandable way.
As I remember my comments in Florida, ---- approximately —
I feel proud but have a confession – FIRST Robotics Competition is not about robotics – its about things, ideas, and people – the robot is simply the object about which we gather – somewhat like a tribe around a campfire – the robot serves as a focus for the much more important things that happen — then I talked about the diversity and excellence FIRST folks show in each of the three categories.
I hope that helps."
Okay, do much about that, Phil
*Originally posted by JosephM *
**Woody- Spam, Spam, Spam, Dean (delete), Spam, PsycoPhil… What the?
Woody- Why would I respond to someone who has their name as Psyco?
delete **
Lol, well he did, now I’m proud since I wasn’t actually sure if he would answer…
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!! I might actually Pass the class now!!!
lol, you’re quite welcome…