Hey, my team is making mock schedules for events and now are faced with the beast of worlds.
This is what we have so far:
Please let me know what immediately is wrong and anything that would be useful information.
6:00am - Arrive at robotics room: organize bus + final necessities
8:00am - Leave for Houston TX (20hrs travel + 3hrs eating/bathroom)
8am - Arrive Houston TX
8:20am - Get team breakfast
9:30am - Explore Houston TX + Relax
12:00pm - Check in Hotel
12:50pm - Lunch
2:00pm - Pool + relax at hotel
5:00pm - Leave for Robonaut’s HQ tour (2903 Falcon Pass, Houston, TX 77062)
6:00pm - Arrive at Robonaut’s HQ
9:00pm - Head back to hotel
10pm - Arrive back at hotel, wind down time
6:00am - Hotel breakfast, be dressed by now
6:50am - Check trailer, plan
8:00am - Queue trailer for load-in
9:00am - Load-in Begins (Only 6 people, including Mr. Cole)
10:00am - Robot Inspections
~12:00am - Lunch
2:00pm - Pits open + Camera Calibration
4:00pm - Driver’s Meeting
4:30pm - Hall of Fame Ceremony
5:00pm - Practice Matches begin
7:30pm - Pits close
~8:00pm - Team dinner (Discuss tomorrow)
9:45pm - Back at hotel, wind down, rinse off, etc.
6:00am - Hotel breakfast, be dressed by now
6:30am - Leave for Convention Center
7:00am - Pits open
7:30am - Camera calibration/connection testing
8:00am - Opening Ceremony
8:10am - Qualification matches
~11:30am - 1.5hr lunch break
6:30pm - Pits close
~7:00pm - Dinner
8:50pm - Back at hotel, swim, rest, repeat
6:00am - Hotel breakfast, be dressed by now
6:30am - Leave for Convention Center
7:00am - Pits open
7:50am - Opening Ceremonies
8:00am - Qualification Matches
~11:30am - 1.5hr lunch break
6:30pm - Pits close
~7:00pm - Dinner
8:50pm - Back at hotel, swim, rest, shower
9:30pm - Clean hotel room and pack, sleep
6:00am - Hotel breakfast, be dressed and packed
6:30am - Leave for Convention Center
6:45am - Pits open
7:00am - Opening Ceremony
8:30am - Team loadout
8:30am - Division playoff matches
12:00pm - Lunch
2:00pm - Pits close, Einstein ceremony
6:00pm - Worlds concluded, head to hotel and checkout
6:45pm - Head home and get dinner (~23hrs back),
6:00pm - Arrive at robotics room, start unloading
8:00pm - Head home
Additional Questions I have:
1.) Can we park robotics truck/trailer (with pit + robot) + a bus in hotel parking lot? (probably depends on hotel, but I am generally curious if anyone has done this before)
2.) How early should we arrive before team load in starts? Do teams show up 3 hours before or something crazy?
3.) Where do you load into? Your pit? don’t they not open until 12?
4.) Do teams ever share their scouting data with one another due to the quantity of teams per division?
5.) Does anyone have a copy and paste list of things team members should bring (quantity of clothes) (not sure how hot it is at the convention center), (Things to pass time, Ex. frisbee, PS4, books, etc.), (hygiene products)
I based it off this schedule: