we just had a tornado
Lots of dammage
I just heard. We were worried that it might come up here but it didn’t. I was at the movies. I will watch it on the 10:00 news though. Did it cause damage to your house, Tytus?
Tytus said it came within 200 yards of his house - no damage.
my sailboat is on its side with a hole in it
Most of reviera beach is with out power
lots of dammaged cars
Still missing a trailer park
Lots of broken things
STate of emergncy declared
Can get arested for walking on the streets until sunrise
Hey Tytus, is your team’s robot ok?
OH! CRAP, our school was right in the middle of it all
im not woried, one has lexan armor, one has aluminim armor, and Ive already broken most to the windows in the shop Once more wont hurt
It would not be cool if anything happened to your robot because your team has an awesome robot.
Does anyone think that this will be an active year for hurricanes in south Florida, cause of all the bad weather we are getting?
Actually i kno as a fact this year will not be a good year for hurricanes. If anyone has been fishing recently off the coast you kno how cold the water is. And for all u who havn’t it’s cold enough to drive a Wahoo to swim in circles, and then be gaffed… (which is highly unusual) But this cold upwelling happens every so often and when it does it protects us from Hurricanes. Even if a huge hurricane is headded our way it’ll dissapate in the cold water where it can’t survive. So if the cold upwelling stays…we’re safe, if not well…
My brother, who just took meteorology at FSU last year, said that this should be a very inactive year and next year should be very active because of La Nina. So be ready for hurricane season next year. This year shouldn’t be much of a problem.