Wrong Y-Axis Values

Good morning!

This morning I went to test the drive and noticed a problem. When going forward on the joystick, the robot would go backwards. When going backwards, we would go forward instead. I switched the drive over to tank drive and it works perfectly. The problem seems to be when use the holonomic drive vi. I probed the Y-axis and noted that the values correspond to the drive issues (going forward would send a (-) to the motors). What is the issue?:eek:

Joystick forward is negative. That’s just how it is.

What drive function were you using before? If it was Tank or Arcade drive, switching to Holonomic shouldn’t have made any difference in the driving direction.

If you built your own drive function, you probably had it backwards all along, and the Invert settings on your Drive Open vi were set backwards to compensate.