[WRRF]: CalGames 2008 Tee-Shirt Design Contest

For 2008 CalGames, WRRF hopes to have a tee-shirt concept that people can purchase, if desired. We are looking to use CafePress or similar store venue allowing people to buy what they like, getting the quality and style they want to pay for, with the CalGames 2008 graphic on it.

But first, we need a CalGames 2008 graphic! :slight_smile:

Having the WRRF logo as part of the Tee shirt (this can be found in the WRRF Community Google group files) would be nice; send in your creative and interesting design! Multiple entries are ok too.

If you have a design, please submit a graphic file to [email protected] by July 7. The winner will earn a free tee-shirt compliments of WRRF BOD!

All rights to the winning graphic become the property of WRRF after the winner is selected.