X-Cats Design?


Found this stuff on the X-Cat’s site. Looks pretty cool.

Yup that’s ours.
Not sure if the muzzle wil stay.
Check the photo album for the robot progress and the videos for working components.

This is what she looks like now (this is the prototype. The duct tape will be replaced).
She is working quite well.
Hope to shoot some video from the Wednesday meeting.

are those Vex Gears on the shooter?

Looks pretty cool, being done this early will mean a lot of practise time, meaning a great drive team. Awesome job guys

Yep, those are Vex gears.
Like I said, this one is the prototype which will be used for practice. The actually robot is being built up in another part of the site.

Wow, that is a really awesome design. I can’t wait to see it in action at FLR.

Is the lexan shielding an extendible blocker?

No that’s the ball drop.

having any problems jamming? the two lanes meeting to feed in the shooter look especially hairy. Other than that is looks great! :]

Cant wait to see it at FLR

Are you guys planning on being a the Rochester Rally?

Well we weighed in at 115#, so far so good. Just hope the final one will be alittle lighter.

Yea, We’ll be there.

Hey, that looks like a mini Adrienne behind the lexan! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like you guys are doing great, can’t wait to see everyone at FLR!!

Oh that’s what you call her. :wink:
We call her The Weapon of Mass Destruction .She nearly took out three girls, including my all-star animator. Thank God she’s so tiny. :smiley:

WOW! :eek: That is one neat design. :ahh: :yikes:

She is one compact little package.

interesting! (i’ll be stopping by next weekend with my camera crew to make a documentray on your robot this year :^)

ANd here I thought you’d be comming by to pick up your baby. She piled over in the corner forgotten and unloved.

Tis Greg’s baby. and more like my cousin, i know it, love it but don’t own it.
MY baby is still in the process comcepting stage. and it will be a 3lber. watch out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Three pounds?
That wouldn’t even qualify for Lego League!