xbox controller


My team wants to use an xbox controller. I know we have to use the usb chicklet. We have one already, but there is one problem.

The chicklet does not allow you to use all of the buttons and the two axis on the controller all at the same time. Is there a way we can use them?

I was thinking of splicing the wire for the xbox controller and finding out which wires are used for which button. Then just take a 15 pin connector and solder them onto the proper ports that the oi board will recognize and attach that to a different com port.

Will this work? We dont want to ruin a controller over this…


Will this work? We dont want to ruin a controller over this…

I actually have no idea, but it might be risky. If I remember correctly, you can change settings in the programming code that work specifically for the OI. There are also settings if you use IFI Dashboard, which is available at the IFI website.

It is a great program that will tell you what buttons are doing what, which axis are controlling what, battery levels, and other helpful things. I highly suggest it.

Good luck,

You can configure it to a variety of modes using the process explained in the datasheet, located at

Yep. Our team used both sticks last year for 2 different motions.

I understand the different modes, but each mode does not include every button and analog stick there is.
For our drive train we need them all. Is there any way i can use them all?

A joystick port has four analog inputs and four switch inputs. The Chicklet can repurpose analog inputs to encode four more switches. So far as I can tell, supporting more than two analogs and twelve switches simultaneously is simply not possible. It’s a hardware limitation of the OI’s joystick ports.

what if we were to take out one of the analog wires and wire them to another com port?

Would it then be possible to use everything on that xbox controller?

Take out one of what analog wires? Take it out from where?

Wire them to what other com port? And what “them” are you talking about?

I don’t understand the question.

If you’re talking about gutting the controller and wiring it directly to the OI, it could work, but I think the xbox controler’s innards are not very easy to connect to. The analog controllers in particular are a very poor match for what the OI joystick inputs expect.

Sorry for the sloppy question.

But you still understood correctly. We opened up an xbox controller today and saw how the analog is wired and compared it to the joysticks first provides. It seems like exactly the same thing, but on a smaller scale.

I guess we will try to connect them and see if it works. I was wondering if it was possible and i guess it is. We will test the “poor match.”

Ill put up the results once we are done.
