I’ve looked through quite a few threads and I read through the rules and it said 900MHz cameras are NOT allowed. But does that include other cameras that transmit on other frequencies?
A lot of people have brought up the idea of the XCAM2 that runs on 2.4GHz frequencies and that would be a huge help in piloting the bot.
*Originally posted by Brian48216 *
**A lot of people have brought up the idea of the XCAM2 that runs on 2.4GHz frequencies and that would be a huge help in piloting the bot. **
Even if it were allowed, it would NOT be legal to use it as an aid to driving. Cameras are allowed on a 'bot for decoration purposes only. I take this to mean: you can show the camera image on a monitor in the stands to the audience, or perhaps the audio/video people at the event will hook up to your receiver and show periodic shots on the big screen TV. I know they used to do this back in 1995-1997.
Robot Rules: M9 states
“Any decorations that involve broadcasting a signal to/from the robot, such as remote cameras, must be cleared with FIRST prior to use.”
You will need special permission from FIRST to use the device. I doubt they will allow it for a driving aid. I think it would fall under: The Game Rules. Rule GM6:
“Special clothing and/or equipment will only be allowed on the playing field for those who demonstrate a need based on a physical disability.”
Any monitoring equipment or transmission device would be considered special equipment and thus not allowed for use by the drivers.
*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
I think it would fall under: The Game Rules. Rule GM6:
“Special clothing and/or equipment will only be allowed on the playing field for those who demonstrate a need based on a physical disability.”
More importantly, from another bullet under M9:
“Decorations must not affect the outcome of the match.”
Using such a device to aid in driving could obviously affect the outcome of the match.