YAGSL Homebrew Swerve Issue

Our team has started coding a homebrew version of YAGSL this year on our MK4i Swerve modules. We have had some issues with heading and X posing on rotation. Currently, we have a “working” drivetrain with correct rotation and correct translation but, we are having power delivery issues with translational movement, our rotational movement is completely fine, but our translational movement is weak. We think it is a PID issue, but we are not sure how to address this issue. I link our github below.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks :slight_smile:


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What do you mean by homebrew YAGSL? this appears to just be using YAGSL as intended.

Please also provide more info on what you mean by translation being weak, what is it not doing that you think it should be able to do?


Please provide a video of your issue, FRC Web Components in view would also be useful.

Also be weary of using the same CAN ID as the REV PDH. Some teams reported that if you have the same CAN ID for the PDH as a SparkMAX the SparkMAX becomes uncontrollable.