YAGSL jittering when the robot is not moving

Video of the effect:


We’re switching from a custom swerve to YAGSL and are having the issue shown above. We’re using MK4i swerve with NEOs and cancoders.

No idea why they only jitter when not in use. I thought it was maybe PID at first but the modules behave just fine when receiving input.

Can you link to your code? The default control (for the example) of the right stick is to control robot heading wherever that is. The wheels don’t stop until the heading is achieved.

I set headingCorrection to false. Doing that should disable that behavior, right?

No, you have to use the other command from the example that specifies angular velocity control.

So, just to clarify, calling SwerveDriveInstance.drive with only a chassis speeds as a parameter would still do the heading thing?

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Which one? Some yes, some no, some both. I provided a very wide array of use cases all documented here.

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Only a ChassisSpeeds, so it should be this one

Depends on how you got the chassisspeeds, if you use this then yes.

I just get em right from the controller

